What are soul contracts? Can they be broken? Akashic Records Soul Contract Reading and Clearing: Find your life purpose and blueprint to your soul.
This article is an extension continuing on the blog about "Soul Contract". As mentioned in the earlier article, I believe that each human has soul contract that acts as a blue print for this lifetime. The leads to my (Dr. Kas's) service that offer a package called "Soul Contract Reading and Clearing" in which you will receive the reading and guidance about:
The missions for this life
The experiences or lessons that you sign up for
Challenges or core wounds
As part of the " Akashic Records: Soul contract Reading and Clearing" package, there is a mini clearing session to clear the energy from the soul contract to help you kick start on your spiritual journey. This is a short session of 30 minutes that will help to clear blockages for you to more easily achieve your missions, lessons or experiences, and heal the challenges or core wounds. However, this is a short session and as I often share that healing is a continuous process and it is like peeling of layers. Therefore, it is probably unlikely that this mini-session will heal and clear all for you to be able to achieve your missions, learn all lessons, and heal all core wounds of the life time. Even more complicated concept is that the soul contract in itself is also an accumulative of energies from past lives, not just this lifetime.
Hence, after the first session that you receive your blue print through the reading and mini-clearing, your consciousness may be open and leading to more guidance to continue to do more healing or clearing, such as, 114 chakras clearing, karmic clearing, or akashic records clearing for specific intentions over the course of time.
A client once asked me, "Is it possible to cut soul contract after the clearing of the Soul Contract package and 114 chakra?" This is a very tough and complex issue.
I will answer from my understanding. Soul contract usually cannot be cut or canceled. It is what you have agreed to come into this life with. However, energy healing and clearing can be done to help you achieve your soul contract more easily.
Clearing the soul contract, 114 chakras, and akashic records, help you to get more connected to your consciousness, to be able to get more enlightened and, hence, accelerate your spiritual journey. You still have to learn or experience the experiences or lessons, you still have the core wounds, and these cannot be erased. However, you can rise above to the point where the wounds are healed and you have risen above all the wounds. The lessons can be learned and once graduated, you will be at peace even if you may encounter incidences that might have brought about certain feelings or emotions, but as you graduated, you will not be bothered by them anymore. In a more positive case, once you graduate and 'shift' your energy and mindset, you will most likely not encounter such situations any more because you have shifted away and achieve a higher vibration. That is when you have done all your healing and shedding. But it is not "cutting the soul contract", it is rather "graduating" or vibrating out of it.
I hope this has shed some lights and more understanding that is helpful. If you are one of those that would like to start on your spiritual journey, wanting to know what you are here (on this earth in this life) to do, I highly recommend the "Soul Contract Reading and Clearing" to start your journey.
Please feel free to reach out to me. I offer remote healing of high vibration. Healing can be received no matter where you are in the world. We are all connected by "One Consciousness" or what is referred to as "Universal Consciousness"
Love, Light, and Blessings.
Dr. Kas
whatsapp: +6692491546